Data and Useful References
Resources for those wanting to run their own analyses and dig a little bit deeper into this area.
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Resources for those wanting to run their own analyses and dig a little bit deeper into this area.
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The zip file includes metadata about R&D outputs related to all Coronaviruses.
Inside the zip file you will find:
documents.csv: Full list of documents
topics.csv: list of topics (classified using ML) connected to documents
terms.csv: list of explicit terms found on each document (title + abstract).
people.csv: list of people (authors) connected to documents
orgsplus.csv: list of organisations (incl their locations) connected to documents
Download the files at:
Axios' special report about the science of pandemics (disclaimer: we are one of their sources) "The COVIDāGRAPH project is a voluntary initiative of graph enthusiasts and companies with the goal to build a knowledge graph with relevant information about the COVID-19 and the SARS-CoV-2 virus." "The Coronavirus Tech Handbook is a crowd-sourced library for technologists, civic organisations, public and private institutions, researchers, and specialists of all kinds working on responses to the pandemic. It is a rapidly evolving resource with thousands of expert contributors." "This tool shows the perceptions and concerns expressed by Latin Americans and Caribbean people on the Internet regarding the COVID-19 pandemic" (in Spanish) Paper: Supply and demand shocks in the COVID-19 pandemic: An industry and occupation perspective "Resources and open source projects on covid19 and encouraging collective contributions and open discussions"
Data and publications @ Zenodo: Coronavirus Disease Research Community - COVID-19